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Choco Taco

Someone of both Black and Latin descent. A less PC way of acknowledging one as Afro-Latinx.

Man 1: “You got yourself a looker bro.”
Man 2: Yeah man, it gets even better, she’s a choco taco.”

by DSAllen7 October 16, 2021


when a dirty mexican does anal with a girl and when he pulls his dick out its covered in shit

bro this nigga got a choco-taco

by Gavin Cernetic December 17, 2016

Choco Taco

A deviant sexual act where a guy ejaculates in a girl’s anus as she’s defecating, hence the famous ice cream sandwich made by Klondike

Heather: Hey, Tristan. You want to meet up later and make a choco taco? *makes sexually suggestive looks*

Tristan: you said HUHHH?! *walks off in disgust*

Heather: ughhh…never mind

by Alex Fonz December 22, 2021

Choco Koala

The act of sucking toes and eating ass at the same time.

Person 1: this Bitch changed my life g. She sucked my toes and ate my ass at the same time.

Person 2: you got a choco koala ? Damn son your the man.

by Korin May 29, 2018

L-O Choco!

Choco the Chocolate Ice Cream Cat's CATchphrase.

Vanilla: How's your day going, Choco?
Miyu: Berry good, I hope!
Choco: L-O Choco!

by Zan Partizanne March 2, 2019

Choco Toothpaste

The act of sticking teeth inside the anus during gay sex and of giving taste to cum with shit

After a blowjob, Joe did a Choco Toothpaste to Sam

by chocobrocco April 13, 2021

hot choco totties

a mix of hot sauce, chocolate, and tater tots

Grace makes the best Hot Choco Totties in the world. i fail at making them. *sad face*

by that person who did that thing March 8, 2014