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Constructive Procrastination

To decide by yourself, or with another person, to procrastinate.

Bryan and I displayed the perfect example of constructive procrastination. We both decided to not do the homework until later.

by Karen2994 October 18, 2010

Social Construct

Similar to Social Engineering, Social Construct is a mechanism used to manipulate people into giving out dead family members to use to their potential advantage. ex. personal identity and close friends and family, and then use Social Engineering.

=definition by crow=

John: Bob got Social Constructed.
Abby: What?!?

by crowmechai_ May 17, 2021

social construct

A term often used by lazy adolescents to dismiss concepts vital to modern society

A: you're 20 minutes late
B: Time is a social construct

by definition_pro1 July 1, 2024



Toronto is construction.

by Dfhnxadhkljvdd September 2, 2022

Cum Construct

Alternative word for living being that reproduces heterosexually

Person 1: put a pile of cement under it.
Person 2: don't listen to cum construct over here.

by October 4, 2021

Cum Construct

Alternative word for organisms that reproduce heterosexually

Person 1: put a pile of cement under it.
Person 2: don't listen to this cum construct

by MeatNutsDietzNuts October 4, 2021