Performing oral sex to the male organ, releasing the head of built up sperm.
Man, I got some awesome head delivery the other night...she released the sperm whales right out of me!
It means that there is a 3x3 (GAN 11 M Pro UV Coated with magnets set to strong) that has next day delivery :)
"Bro I just got the GAN 11 M Pro (UV Coated) Magnets set to strong and next day delivery!"
A term used by females referring to sex
"I could really use a meat delivery,"
"I thought you had one last week."
Something, usually low/medium quality bread, that you eat only because you can put butter on it.
No, use the other bread for the sandwiches. This bread is just a butter delivery device.
According to Webster's
Definition of jail delivery
1 : the clearing of a jail by bringing the prisoners to trial or by having the legality of their commitments reviewed
2 : the freeing especially by force of prisoners in a jail
Where a friend will promise cookies, but make you wait longer than you should.
Jared was supposed to provide the girl scout cookies by March 10, but instead his making a "Harpos Delivery".
A ‘lost’ video heard of on reddit.
This video is said to be a lost p0rnhub video, removed from the website due to the content in the video being too vulgar for their site.
The video is said to have consisted of an attractive female delivering pizza, but when ‘Seth’ instead pays and shuts the door the video gets more interesting than first thought.
Highlights include the main actor apparently making love to a fresh pizza while his gardener watches the events through a window.
It wasn’t as strange as two girls one cup but Seth’s Pizza Delivery was pretty crazy to watch to the end.