dike niggas are commonly known to take chem
Keke is a dike nigga
a carabiner used for anything and everything except climbing
I attach my keys to my pants with a dike clip.
Lesbian from the mid-west
Look at that Corn cob dike she is totally fucking that bitch with a stalk of corn
Quarter Dike (Dyke)
Qwar - ter - dyeek
When 4 girls get together and suddenly shows signs of homosexuality or lesbianism.
Verb: Dude. My ex screwed my chances of picking up because she quarter diked me with 2 of her friends.
Noun: I her she's a part of the quarter dike dykegirls over there.
Verb: Dude. My ex screwed my chances of picking up because she quarter diked me with 2 of her friends.
Noun: I her she's a part of the quarter dike girl over there
When a male or a female changes gender then changes back. The ultimate faggot.
She switched genders a couple times, that must mean she’s a tri dike
A lesbian with strong thumbs that dresses like a boy
Lesbian dike can reload guns easily