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Eliza gets to much attention. Eliza needs the people who don't like her to come have a sit down therapy session with who ever doesn't like her. Sit with Eliza and discuss what's up and why. Each time a person must use Urban dictionary instead of having face to face discussions it defeat's the purpose of clear communication between people. Everyone who knows an Eliza needs to speak up about what's bugging you because speaking behind a persons back on this site is a waste of time. For every conversation not had issues build up. There were times people would write each other letters about was going on and why. Now people must chill on urban dictionary to understand others points of view. With each conflict a lack of communication creates hate towards people who don't actually know each other. Eliza is logical. Eliza believes in reason. Eliza believes in hearing both sides to an issue. Third party beefs dont work. Get off urban dictionary speak with her. She educationally driven for life. All drama could end with a conversation. clear communication face to face.

Mind your own business or say it to their face. From an Eliza

by Haterssuckassforlife June 12, 2022


Anyone who has an issue with an Eliza needs to shut down the computer. Get out some paper and write her a letter explaining how you feel and why you feel it. No person can read another persons mind. Everyone has flaws. Who ever hates an Eliza must not truly know her or they would understand she has a good heart. Would never wish anything bad on a friend. Would never steal a man. And demands one on one therapy and educational moments to teach and educate the ladies who know nothing about nothing live in a world where they think men can be stolen. A man cannot be stolen. The only thing that might happen is a good women could leave or did not know about the other side of the story. Men cannot be stolen. Men choose the women they want. All the women who hate. Speak to the person about how you feel and why you feel it.

Speak to the person or shut up and grow the fuck up. Eliza is awesome and smart.

by Haterssuckassforlife June 13, 2022


eliza. eliza is a terrible person. she’s obnoxious, rude. she does never make sense. she get mad at everthing and everyone. she hits and screams. she laughs at you when you cry. she leaves you to go with other people. she never call, and when she does shes always mad. shes annoying and ugly. she has bad taste in men

eliza so rude

by stevenreyes10000 November 20, 2021

1👍 1👎


A person who is stupid asf and has pounds on top and below them you can always hear their double chins flapping in mid air while they play the fattest game ever "valorant" please refrain from playing this game or else you will become like eliza calling her case oh would be a insult to caseoh

hey look its the valorant fatty ELIZAAAA

by issupo December 18, 2023


a cinnamon roll who deserves to be treated better than she was.

"Angelica, Eliza, AND PEGGY"

by stale crouton October 5, 2020


literally: The ship between two people, one called Elizabeth and the other called Elias.

could be used as: a synonym for endgame, a synonym for 'the realest ship ever', a way of describing an endgame feeling.

"Dude, your ship is not as strong as ELIZAS"

"ELIZAS will never sink"
"Ugh this ship is so ELIZAS" -> meaning that the ship is endgame

by detective_dajota March 7, 2017


Eliza usually has a crush on someone either named Grayson, Neil, Haddon, or Anders. She loves all of them equally but prefers Haddon to walk on her back. She loves guys with giant asses and plays tennis. She has a secret crush on Alex for his Youtube Channel and his insane muscles. Her best friend Kaitlyn is very jealous of her crushes and likes them as well. She sucks ass at basketball and even a band kid could beat her.

Stop dating Haddon bro your such an Eliza

by bandkidverycoolitscool April 5, 2022