1- Stepgrandparent's cousin.
2- Grandparent's stepcousin.
3- Stepcousin's granchild.
4- Cousin's stepgrandchild.
My step-first-cousin-twice-removed is a good person.
1- Stepgrandparent's first-cousin.
2- Grandparent's step-first-cousin.
3- Step-first-cousin's granchild.
4- First-cousin's stepgrandchild.
5- Step-1C2R.
My step-first-cousin-twice-removed is a good person.
Son of their grandparent’s half-sibling with the other grandparent’s full sibling.
My sesqui-first cousin-uncle is a good person.
1- Great-grandparent's sesqui-first-cousin.
2- Sesqui-first-cousin's great-grandchild.
3 - Child of the parent's half-great-grandpibling with the other parent's great-grandpibling.
4 - Child of the parent's half-great-grandnibling with the other parent's great-grandnibling.
5 - Child of the parent's half-great-grandnibling with the other parent's great-grandpibling.
6 - Child of the parent's half-great-grandpibling with the other parent's great-grandnibling.
My sesqui-first-cousin-thrice-removed is a good person.
My half-first cousin-pibling is a good person.
Spouse's step-first-cousin-once-removed's spouse.