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Gravel pit

A non conventional outside location where people (Mostly men) go to urinate. Generally its used when time is limited.

Christian is in the head and I have a meeting in 2 min, wheres the gravel pit?

by axesandanchors November 3, 2022

Gravel Cruncher

Gravel Cruncher - someone who has horribly crooked teeth and doesn't care to fix them. Someone who smokes crack excessively, as a result loses teeth Can also be considered a "gravel cruncher".

I would hook up with dude, if his teeth weren't fighting for position in his mouth. What a gravel cruncher!

by BotanWuuut May 10, 2018

Gravel Scrabble

Eating a girl out while she’s driving. Usually involving spelling words out with your tongue on her vag while she operates a motor vehicle.

Damn I just played gravel scrabble with that Pi Phi who got a dui. I can’t believe I’m still alive.

by Ya boy skinny peen October 6, 2021

Gravel Road Cops

Humorous play on the acronym GRC, the French abbreviation for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, in reference to the remote rural areas where their officers tend to patrol.

"Damn gravel road cops always jacking me up. This is the 3rd ticket this month."

by koevoet November 10, 2020

Gravel ravel

Crackheads language

Gravel ravel gravel ravel

by Lord Nelson May 16, 2023

Pitch Gravel

At the end of the night at a bar or pub, a handfull of gravel it thrown or 'pitched'. Anyone being hit and knocked out is fair game to be taken home

Oh crap, its 1:30... We should head over to The Tavern for some Pitch Gravel

by Regan112 December 1, 2009


Graveler: to oral to a partner with a mouth full of food.

graveler: took a bite of eggs before placing johnnys flaccid member in her mouth.

by pet55 December 30, 2015