A girl who takes things in and forgets them, either letting them go or just ignoring them. She doesn't fight things through.
In the song 'Hollaback Girl', Gwen Stefani won't 'hollaback' to haters who talk trash about her. Instead, she welcomes the challenge with her famous chant.
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Real definition
2021 edition
A hollaback girl is a girl that was ghosted by someone whether it was a romantic interest, partner, a friend, or acquaintance.
As usual the person that ghosted the girl messages the girl after a week, a month, a year of no contact etc. Expecting for the girl to be a desperate doormat and still single .
If the girl is smart, she would ignore the ghoster or "Rick Roll" the ghoster with Gwen Stephanie's song "Hollaback Girl".
Another name for a Hollaback Girl is a Callback girl.
That guy I talked to a decade ago ....well it was really 2 months ago just messaged me back. I leveled up and already found a guy wayy better. I'll hope he doesn't mind if I meme him with this 2000s song Hollaback Girl. Loser!
a promiscuous woman
hollaback girl (plural hollaback girls) (slang) A woman who responds readily to a come-on; a promiscuous woman.
Don't listen to these morons telling you it means talking shit without following through. They're remedial.
"Man, the whole team ran through Violet, she's a hollaback ____<--- (Insert, girl, bitch, hoe, broad, or any other term for female here)
Hollaback girl = promiscuous girl
Someone who’s all bark but no bite when it comes to insulting
Guy 1: Hey.
Girl: You’re such a loser, piss off
Guy 2: Don’t be such a hollaback girl.
A foul, disease-ridden thing that wears too much make-up to cover up the fact that it's a 47 year old fish-dog
Pretty soon Nikki Minaj is going to be a hollaback girl
Hollaback Girl- a girl trying to redo or go about a same or familiar occurance that they've been through before.
A Hollaback Girl, as Gwen would say shes been around that track, meaning she has done that before.