Hussein is the hottest and best soccar player ever and handsome and hunky hand cool and cute and is built like hercules
Been a minute u seen me in a fast carz💨.I won’t break no codes that on ma soul.we got loads like Mexican this dope recommend. She fell in love with the lifestyle of a husler.there some dope dealers in 612.
Mani: Omg look is that Hussein.
Asma: yeah damnn he driving while killin that zaza.
Hussein: Gets pulled over by pig
KAlpha Male
Absolute God of a man
The Daddy of daddies
Apex of the male species
Pinnacle of male evolution. A true intellectual, blessed with a giant penis his ability to fuck women is uncanny especially if they have a son called Tarek. A true Hussein also happens to be a extremely sexy and attractive man who excelled in sports. His only downfall is that his penis is so large it scrapes along the floor
That guy is such a Hussein Hassan
uh what do I say probably the only boy that has mood swings worse than girls
5% of the time nice the other 95% sleeping or being annoying
and a message to all the people that vape don't vape because its not good for you only vape the peach green tea and blue raz maybe lychee and blueberry as well
Zehra calls him the idiot Rayan calls him the egghead and much more to come lmao!!!
it means Hussein Salim is basically dumb
In political terms, to emphasize an ethnic/foreign-sounding name (or part of a name) of a person of color as a racial dog whistle.
The term comes from President Barack Obama's middle name, "Hussein", which was emphasized by conservatives in an effort to paint Obama as a secret/radical Muslim or simply "foreign", despite him being born and raised as a Christian in the US.
Donald Trump is really starting to get desperate, he is Husseining Kamala Harris!
A lot of conservatives tried to Hussein Nikki Haley by mentioning her birth name, Nimarata.
dirty bulk to the extreme… invented by a fat ass “lifter” in Orland Park…
this fat ass nigga’s really doing the hussein bulk…
i heard the inventor of the “hussein bulk” smells like shit…