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Jesus Fucking Christ on the Cross

Perhaps the most offensive, non-racial phrase. It can be used as an exclamation when one is under stress. The phrase is synonymous with "Jesus Christ."

Jesus fucking Christ on the cross, I forgot to take the trash out last night!

by lemonlime69 November 7, 2014

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Jesus Christ

My nigga, weee lovve jesus christ yeahhh jesussss fuck athiests lets go jesus lets goo god and jesuus man nghgfnfhdndj

Jesus: I am christ
Smart people : yayyy my nigga brooo jesus christ
Athiest fucktard: fake
Smart people : *pop that nigga ass*

by TheEarthIsFlatIdiotsUGH April 6, 2022

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Jesus Christ

most based man on earth

1: have you heard of Jesus Christ
2: yea hes based as shit

by KronnixzMcShitnuts April 26, 2022

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Jesus Fucking Christ

A term used by small/simple-minded when they are not getting their way, frustrated, or feel threatened by something that they don't understand.

John Doe- "That would be a cool thing to invent."
Mrs.Doe- "Jesus fucking christ John, focus in the now."

by Heyitsj000 May 18, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 14๐Ÿ‘Ž

Jesus Shit the Bed Christ

A term used to address an event of either unbelievable, hilarious or ridiculous measure. These 5 words should only be used to address the occurence when it is of huge magnitude.

(Note - heavily accenting the 'Ch' in Christ always adds great emphasis upon deliverance of the phrase.)

First began to circulate in Essex, after a truly remarkable display of football acrobatics during a friendly game of 6-a-side, the phrase has now picked up a few more scenarios to be used in.

1) 'Jesus Shit the Bed Christ! Did you just see that fucking goal?!'

2? 'Jesus Shit the Bed Christ, that truly was the fucking funniest thing I've ever seen.'

3) 'Jesus Shit the Bed Christ, did you just see that bitch spit a Melon out of her arse?!'

by TerranceGrapes April 6, 2011

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Jesus Christ

The Lord and Savior of the universe. The one and only Son of God who died for us and our sins so if we trust in him and turn away from our sins we may have everlasting life. Trust in Jesus Christ and read your Bible today. Trust in Jesus like you trust a parachute for God is the only one who can save us from being lost.

Jesus Christ is King.
Jesus Christ is God.
Jesus Christ is Lord.
Jesus Christ died for our sins.
Jesus Loves you.

by Evangelist of Jesus Christ March 20, 2021

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Jesus Christ

Best man that ever lived. He died on the cross for you and me :)

Jesus Christ is the best! <3

by OldHandleMcBroom May 14, 2021

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