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jocelyn jones

Dumb cunt, skinny praying mantis ass lookin bitch, ratchet hoe

"Hey that looks like a dumb cunt skinny praying mantis ass look bitch, ratchet hoe" Dave said

"Oh that's definitely a Jocelyn Jones"

by Jjjjjjishakxnsj January 5, 2017

Mozart Jocelyn

Mozart Jocelyn's are usually funny and caring. Great name for a horse. Although, they tend to get dirty easily. Usually never win races either. Overall, they are cool

Mozart Jocelyn is slow, but cool

by ur just bad 😉 September 21, 2021

jocelyn macnab

Jocelyn Macnab is a child actor and writer best known for her television work in the series ‘Topsy and Tim’, ‘Bing’, and ‘Hetty Feather’.

Boy 1: Have you seen the children’s program, Topsy and Tim?
Boy 2: No, who is in it?
Boy 1: Jocelyn Macnab is Topsy.

by rex7293 January 24, 2021

jocelyn bereziuk

coolest person you will ever meet ... amazing and a bad ass bitch

wow girl your really jocelyn bereziuk right now

by greg loris July 3, 2019

jocelyn buchanan

jocelyn buchanan is the most cool person she is so easy to fall in love with

have you seen jocelyn '' hoo jocelyn buchanan'' ya 'o ya she is soo cute

by copper doper March 18, 2021

Jocelyn + Joshua

Jocelyn + Joshua is a combination of the best of both worlds. These two will be inseparable and have 100 kids together and 100 pet squirrels.

Girl: Omg i wanna be like Jocelyn + Joshua

Boy: We can't they are too alpha

by joshualuver101 April 12, 2024

Jocelyn Ruiz

Jocelyn Is a good friend and vary hot. She will blind u when she walks by she doesn’t think she is but she’s hot....hot....oh yes... hot.. hottie

Holy macaroni did u see Jocelyn Ruiz ?!? I wanna tap that;) she’s a hottie

by Wack.alians May 4, 2019