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A very smart and beautiful girl. The kind of girl that has patience she will never let you down and always has room for extra chances

Keaton always gave me a second chance

by Hoodjameson9 March 11, 2019


a man who is typically attracted to women significantly younger than them and wants to participate in intercourse with that individual.

I am a Keaton!!!

by TommyJoeseph January 4, 2023


An awsome person that is a great kisser, best of them all. If you know him you should try it if he’s down. He’s a great friend and boyfriend and hates Valentine’s Day but makes it enjoyable for his girlfriend. Best friend a guy could have

If Keaton asked me out 100% yes best person ever

by All true. Luv u keaton February 13, 2019

Keaton Henderson

a person with large genitals

hendo has a keaton henderson

by Keaton Henderson January 23, 2022

Keaton James

Keaton James is a big fat meth who lives in Middlesbrough grangetown the place all the scruffs live , he’s shagged everyone and there mamas. He got a fuzzy dick and a fat girl who gets used for her car that needs to be specially manufactured for her fat chubby belly . Keaton also liked to do a lot of drugs at the same time and ends up wetting himself 🙈🙈

Me : Keaton James is a meth
Everyone : we know x

by Name66868 January 13, 2024