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KElly is the sweetest,prettyest girl shes a great kisser

Always got ti me for me

Kelly's are best suited with a male called billy \ william

Kelly is my dream come true

by Kellys are the best July 26, 2020

3πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


The baddest bitch ever. She will emotionally abuse and spam a racist, sexist, homophobe, donald trunp supporters. Whoever. Shes a very outgoing girl and wont hold back. This bitch be brutally honest. Shes the best and shes really kind when you get to know her, even though she likes to start drama, shes really good at mentally abusing someone β™‘

Person : I bet kellys never going to get married

Kelly : Well its easy to marry a dog, especially if you're a bitch β™‘

by The baddie evi β™‘ October 3, 2020

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A tall guy like women

She’s a Kelly

by COOCIMAN November 12, 2020

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A pretty, sexy and hot girl who’s ginger but still gets all the girls and boys in the yard

She such a Kelly

by I like β€˜em thicc December 31, 2020

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Old people name

Kelly is so old

by AidanXMoNtal March 24, 2021

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A dumbass fucking bitch but honestly the best person ever

Shut the fuck up kelly

by KNS4 June 27, 2019

4πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A hot Mexican girl

That is such a Kelly. She is so hot

by 35HZ32PA February 20, 2017

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