A big ass donkey she acts very donkey like and talks about assholes alot.
Kristi- Biggest of big donkeys loves talking about assholes.
A red headed bitch with herpes, who wont tell you she has it. She will also steal your money and say a baby's yours when its really not.
Concerned Friend: "Man that bitch pulled a Kristy G on you".
Guy: Yeah, man I gotta go get checked and a DNA test. DAMNNNNNNNN!!!!!
Really mishandled that situation... I could have fixed it.... You're paying these people to do things and I am so much better than them....
Hym "Ohoho and fix it I could... The need to hire me for Kristi Noem's PR team... Honey, I would give you the world... All you have to do is let me out of the cage..."
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted tonperianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Kristi "Canada" Noem: The Eternal Juvenile Release