Generally a woman who is of larger than generally accepted weight, but is comfortable within her own skin. This kind of woman can be sexy inspite of her weight and often takes no shit. These women can be of any race, the only requirements is that they are "large", "Like Themselves as they are" and "Take no shit"
"Now that lady is large and in charge!"
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Cottage cheese that is of the large curd variety.
"For dinner today I had large curd because it is a great source of protein."
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A term used to describe a person who is sexually actractive because of their Obesity or excessive weight. Typically derived from a person with Adipophilia or Fat fetishism.
Danny: "That girls not fat, Shes sextra large"
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The state of being on top of your game, i.e. livin large.
"How you livin, foo?"
"Large and in charge homeslice - I just got paid!"
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this is what I use to describe my thighs. this is just a description of how large my thighs are. You could also use this to dec=scribe anything that is large.
My thighs are large and in charge.
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a person that has a mustache that is absolutely ridiculous and has to shave
julie u hae a large tasher ya stinkin bitch!
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A woman who searches only for men with large genetalia
Since your mom got divorced, she's been lovin large.
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