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Google the letters

To search for something of any topic on the Google search engine. This phrase was once mentioned on an episode of the popular TV series: COPS

Joe- you ever heard of the urban dictionary?
Cop- no, what is it?
Joe- Google the letters

by Barstoolmyass August 6, 2015

letters in math


"letters in math" are like a torture, u can feel the bad vibes in the classroom when a teacher say "x worth this and this and bla bla bla"

by Pretty_Boi June 24, 2021

letter O

when you wanna make fun of your bestfriend/friend but theres nothing to make fun of you say they look like the letter O

friend 1: hey
friend 2 : nigga you look like the letter O

by aclownclownclown January 3, 2020

The letter E

E is a very beautiful letter of the alphabet. It is no doubt the best letter in existence. It’s a letter that everybody stans and loves!

We Stan The letter E

by Stan E May 17, 2020

roblox letters

an epic twitter account where you submit your letters for roblox

roblox letters is so epic
i can send letters to people in the roblox community by submitting it through the form at roblox letters.

by robloxletters October 30, 2020

Greek letter

A group of symbols that has one use, to make maths more complicated.

Why the **** do they have to use all these greek letters. Wtf are they even supposed to mean?

by LEFI March 5, 2017

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crooked letter

A word meaning the letter 'S'

"C-A- crooked letter, crooked letter, I, D-Y, who you know that cook a better pie?" -Cassidy

by MeAgain October 15, 2006

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