An extremely funny and thoughtful girl. A logan is the kind of girl that can always brighten your day and make ya laugh. A logan has a creative mind and is a great friend. Always one to be there when you need her. Always thinking of others, but rarely of herself. A truly selfless person.
"She is such a logan, she always makes me laugh!!"
"I'm so down today, wish I had a logan to call."
79👍 98👎
Logan is a very bad guy. He is so mean and farts soooo much. He also picks his nose and eats it
Logan is so mean and sassy and he farts a lot and picks his nose.
8👍 7👎
the biggest SLUT you've ever met.
he likes it all.
skinny, fat, ugly, pretty, man, woman, dog.
you could call him a charity.
& he likes it in his butt...with no lube.
46👍 54👎
An amazing sweet smart guy who has a bug personality he has long brown hair and big brown eyes. His kisses are the best too
4👍 2👎
Logan is a cunt
A Logan is something that should go out w libby
7👍 2👎
Logan is a gun and lots of fun. Logan loves everyone. Tall, dark and sensual with man hands and a voice that makes you melt. You can't function without speaking to Logan on a daily basis. He gives you the best advice. He should have studied Psychology instead of meteorology. He has an obsession with the stars and the galaxy and his dream is to find this true love and name a star after her. What a guy! Just talking about him makes your temperature rise. Logan has a friend that reads him like an open book and she's always there for him. His lucky to have her because she'll swim the seven seas just to see him.
Logan is so up himself. Just because his the package doesn't make him special.
4👍 2👎