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The god of macking. Shatterer of cervixes. 99% overall in 2k22

Lorenzo fucked my girlfriend last night and I'm actually kind of happy about it.

by Farkan June 7, 2022


Kennas boyfriends penis

Lorenzo is coming over tonight. Lorenzo is very small

by heeheehali December 5, 2019


Lorenzo has a huge cock and he's a fucking god!


by Hkbf November 23, 2021


Lorenzo has a huge cock and he's a fucking god

Is that Lorenzo?

by Hkbf November 23, 2021


A swag guy thats OBSESSED with thicc goth mommies and just wants his head to crushed by their thighs

i fr need a Lorenzo in my life

by biggbrooo February 28, 2024


Lorenzo is a really nice guy. He is always there for you and you can trust him with your life. He is great to his family and friends. He is very attractive but he doesn’t think so himself. He can be really annoying but most times he’s just making stupid jokes. He is really funny and can make you smile even when you’re sad. Lorenzo listens to a lot of different types of music but he hates country music. He’s a bit racist but he’s possible just joking around (I’m not sure tbh) even if he doesn’t live close to you at all you will stay in touch with him. And most importantly you will always love him <3

Lorenzo: just being there

Me: smiling

by sushahavga June 11, 2023


the most amazing bf you can ever have, he is the sweetest boy you will ever meet even tho he’s weird sometimes

“hey do you know lorenzo”
“yeah he’s chloe’s bf
“wow he seems so cool

by ~chloe~ September 23, 2021