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Fet’s luck

Referring to boba fett’s luck. Fett is typically very unfortunate in many Star Wars movies, so when you’re having a bad day, wearing a “fet’s luck” shirt will let your fellow Star Wars fans know you’re having a rough day.

Hey look! That’s Tim, he is wearing a fet’s luck shirt... poor dude, must be having a terrible day!

by jack doesn’t attack May 24, 2021

31👍 14👎

annie luck

The worst type of luck, luck that is so bad that the worst case scenerio will always happen.

Bob: dude I think I have Annie luck. My car broke down.
Ralph: if you had Annie luck your car would of exploded.

by ForeverAndAlone December 10, 2014

beginner's luck

1) When you invite a person to do something that you pride yourself in and they are better at it than you. You usually use this word if you are somewhat of a sore loser.

2) The person who is better at something than your friend even though your new at it can also use this word to be humble and comfort their friend. This definition can be used to show off sometimes.

1) Jeff: "Hey I'm pretty good at this!"

Paige: "Pshhhh, it's just beginner's luck, bro."


David: "Nah, you're much better. I just have beginner's luck. Its nothing!"

by NICEUNICORN45 March 17, 2018

Luck Receipt

A luck receipt is a betting slip, or a lottery ticket, something that could bring big fortune, but printed on a small "receipt" stye paper.

John says to Tim "I sure hope i can use my luck receipt tonight" (i hope i win the lottery)

by saileena87 August 14, 2009

Luck Slut

A person who gets lucky alot. In any way shape or form.

Some one gave you a car. You fucking luck slut.

by kaden0890 August 6, 2011

Hamilton Luck

When someone is so lucky they can be compared to Lewis Hamilton in F1 when all his rivals get crashed out of the race or have a car failure, or when he crashes but fixes his car under red flag conditions.

Person 1: No way did you did you just win the lottery
Person 2: Yeah bro, I got Hamilton Luck

by BruhXDRoflLMAOLOL August 17, 2021

Mr Luck

The most epic math teacher in the world. Knows the first 120 digits of pie, has an iq of at least 140, and always gives out lollipops to smart and good students at the end of class, which, in his eyes, is pretty much everyone. Also runs the special kids math class. Also has a youtube channel, with the catchphrase "luckiest math teacher in the world.

Bruh, your in Mr Lucks math class! No way, your so lucky.

by CaneyYerbble May 25, 2020