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michigan margarita

When you run out of ice and use the snow from the front yard.

Jim: hey do we have enough ice to make margaritas?

Dave: no but it’s December we can make Michigan margaritas

by Mudjacker January 6, 2018

margarita shake

When 2 margaritas are placed in a person's mouth while laying down, the person's head is then shaked.

I wanna try the margarita shake everyone's talking about.

by Slurvo June 9, 2020

Siesta Margarita

Salt coated testicles are placed on sleeping victims lips, thus forming the salt rim. Substitute tequila with a massive load of semen in the mouth of recipient.

Dude, I just gave that chick a top shelf siesta margarita.

by Guy still on the couch October 31, 2010

Toilet Margarita

An explosive, liquidy, uncontrollable bowel movement which splatters and sprays fecal material around the rim of the toilet before your fully able to sit down.

After an evening of binge drinking and eating Mexican, he raced to the bathroom and had barely lowered his pants before creating a Toilet Margarita.

by Oscar & Stella September 26, 2023

steaming margarita

Fill the ass with all the ingredients of a margarita dance the Macarena and serve with sliced lime and a straw

This steaming margarita taste like shit

by Alwswrkn February 24, 2024

Four Margaritas

Anal sex

Song: Give me one margarita, I’ma open my legs…two margaritas, I’ma give you some head…three margaritas, I’ma put it in my pussfour margaritas, I’ma put it in my tush

by Notsohotsauce October 8, 2023

Scurdycat Margarita

4 fingers of tequila, usually Casa Migos. Originated in Oxford, England by his Royal Highness, King Scurd.

Hey barkeep. Two Scurdycat Margaritas please.

by Gregmonroe April 22, 2023