Often misunderstood, 'Magnus' is actually derived from and originated in, lyrics to a Zeds Dead song. Anyone thought to exist at this static vibration is/was merely a glitch in the simulation.
a type of computer, looks alot like a human being but ain't quite one
Person: Where is your Magnus?
Person 2: i left it in the freezer for to long, it ain't working anymore
Friend 1: "I want to die"
Friend2: "Why"
Friend1 : "cuz im a Magnus"
A person who loves large, chunky women. The bigger the better.
That guy is a typical Magnus, he loves them fat and juicy
most likely a groomer
everything WILL become smelly when he touches it cuz he doesnt shower
run away if you see one
dave: "Look its magnus!"
lily: "OMG lets run! hes gonna groom us"