That idiot in your class your class that thinks he's the best at gym. He also might date youe best friend. He thinks he's on top of the world..... He also known as Manarse.
Yeetis feetus commit self deletus
MANAS IS a smart kid
This guy smells like peeled back foreskin. Manas is the most cheerfully fruitiest guy, who loves playing with all his guy friends.
Someone who is Awesome and is a great boyfriend who doesn't like boys but likes Clay because Clay is his girlfriend
"Mana has a big pp"
A person with the name Manas embodies the definition of a beta male. He is a very sincere and sexy looking individual who sometimes doesn't know what he is doing
Girl: OMG! It's Manas
Boy: AH YES! mama's boy has arrived.
Name :Manas. Meaning :Mind, Soul, Brilliant, Spiritual thought, Heart intellect, Desire, Human being, Latin Manus is translated as hand, Insight, Cheerfulness, Mind, Wise, Powers, To think. Gender :Boy.
manas is the name of a guy is hardworking and determined. He is focused on his goals in life. Manas is a person who is smart and funny.
Manas is a person who would love with all their heart.
They are perfect for a person who is hyper and short tempered because of their calm nature.
Manas is important to people whose names start with ‘I’
guy1- dude am I looking smart?
guy2- yes, just like manas
Cheeto eating nigger
Cries over dropping 1% and finishes a whole Cheeto bag at home. Then he complains he hasn’t made any gains after going to the gym for 3 years
Manas is a handsome person who can attract anyone.He is always good at sports and competition. He is very loyal and trustworthy person who never disappoint anyone.sometimes he is confuse. He is an Casanova when it comes to love
When Manas is around me I feel safe and happy