The Marvelous Michael is a beautiful woman who just turned 18 if you get to meet her your so lucky. Because if you end up being her friend she will care for you and defend you and be there for you. Don't play with her because you'll never find anyone like her.
The Marvelous Michael is the best sister friend I could have.
marvel is cool. If you don’t watch marvel you’re uncool.
„hey i watch marvel“
„i love you.“
d1 - be wondered or astonished.
d2 - a wonderful or astonishing person or thing.
d3 - an American entertainment company founded in 1998 and based in New York.
e1 - I marvelled at that performance last night.
e2 - she described her family as a marvel.
e3 - they'll be watching Avengers soon, made by Marvel.
Twitch DJ, music producer,Official DJ of the Colorado Rockies , Toyota Tacoma Off-Roading Truck lover 1/3 of “Topo Gang “, married to his mod @danniyvone
Dj Marvel is the Official Colorado Rockies Dj
AWESOME way better then dc ewww DC gross marvel is all about action has way better CGI than dC and way better actors if you were wanting to watch a movie I would suggest a marvel movie 😘
B: let’s go watch a marvel movie
E: ok