Source Code

Mick Mills

British slang term for ecstasy tablets.

Named for 70s football player Mick Mills.

An example of rhyming slang. (mills = pills)

Nice one lads, just got sorted for Mick Mills!

by MDMAJT January 28, 2011

Mill Valley

Located among redwood trees and little boutiques, Mill Valley is the oldest and most typically marin towns there is.

Mill Valley is a place for young LA-wannabes and old hippies to reunite and drink Lattes. It is a place where obesity and cheep clothes are rarely seen. Every kid participates in at least one team sport growing up; whether it be softball, the marin swim league, or the Mill Valley Soccer League. No matter what school you go to or neighborhood you live in, you are bound to know every one of your peers' faces by the time you leave for college. And everyone goes to college.

by KateofMV April 7, 2005

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Mystic Mill

A new local head shop located in Eastown on the east side of Grand Rapids MI. They have a wonderful selection of high quality glass with name brands like kaos and a lot of localy blown glass. It is a new shop so give it wonderful support for its courage in a "new-age" community.

Dude lets go to the mill!! "Whoa dude thats a sick bong where did you get it?"

The mystic mill...

Oh wurd! that place is sick!!

by Mr. Fugu February 1, 2010

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mill park

Its a suburb located in the North/East region of Melbourne which has alot of ethnic migrants, mostly Italians, Maltese & Maco's.

A great place 2 visit all the good looking wogs & Maria's.

Kefa: "Hey bro wanna go down to Mill Park & see Brad & the boys??"

Heath: " Yeah man lets see what all our wog boys been doin'"

by Italian Powerhouse April 8, 2008

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Steel Mill

Noun. A female who is ten times as strong than the average man, her clitoris dwarfs that of an average female. The Steel Mill is also extremely sexually aggressive thing that is not to be approached under any circumstances.

Dave: Dude, whats wrong?
Mark: The Steel Mill just... raped me
Dave:... ahhhhhhhhh dude

by Dudesbible101 June 5, 2011

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Mill Creek

(v) To make a big deal out of a word or phrase because its Urban Dictionary definition has sexual connotations, even though nobody actually uses the word in that sense.

When Melissa came home wearing a shirt that said Crabby Patty, her mom totally Mill Creeked and got the local newspaper involved.

by Farbhaed March 30, 2009

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York Mills

An elitest high school that thinks they're a private school in the city of Toronto, Ontario.

She thinks she's got her shit all tight because she's from York Mills.

by IWillBeYour419 April 13, 2004

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