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Milwaukee Mist

A short very stinky smelly fart

After eating that taco I had let out several Milwaukee Mist's the rest of the day

by mr grilled cheese January 12, 2011

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Seattle Mist

The jizz that a grown man ejects from his penis while watching a bunch of girls play football in Lingerie.

Tom and his family were at Showare Center watching some Lingerie Footbal when he realized that his pants were full of Seattle Mist.

by northboundtrucker September 15, 2009

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Fluff mist

The stink zone you want to avoid walking through after someone has farted.

Person one: "UGH...pew!! Who crapped their pants?"

Person two: "No one!! Uncle Ralph had beans and broccoli again. You just wallked through the fluff mist!"

by sunni9 September 26, 2010

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Beaver Mist

While having intercourse with a particularly aromatic woman, during her organismic episode, she squirts her fun fluid around Mr. Limpy. The outlying fire creates a titillating mist of vaginal fluids.

When I was fucking her in the back of an Arby's, she fired off a round of beaver mist and it hit me in the eye!

by boetso June 16, 2011

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aurora mist

Originating from Houston, Tx, Aurora Mist is a blend of at least two or more strands of marjiuana mixed together. One strand is usually much more potent than the other. It works the best in Swisher Sweet cigarillos, when you take some of that dank ass bud, prefferably GDP or sour diesel, and mix it with some good mids or some fire reggie. However the best Aurora Mist is when you take multiple strands of hydroponics, and burn that shit from sunrise to sunset.

Randy : "Man, I only got thirty bucks. If we get a dime sack of reggie, we can also get a gram of some dro so we can roll a couple rillos ofAurora Mist."

Kody : "Haha, bitch nigga! I already picked up some killer. I mean, I'll get another gram to throw down and roll up more Aurora Mist rillos, but you keep that nasty ass Mexican weed to yourself bro."

by kodyjay March 30, 2010

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jizz misting

When your boyfriend cums in your butt and lays between your legs and you fart.

"I busted in Tammy's butt and she started jizz misting on me shortly afterword whilst I waited Indian style between her legs."

by Vangina91 May 29, 2017

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Mist Dick

When your about to cum and your partner grabs your dick so hard that your sperms comes out like mist from your dick.

Angela grabbed Terry's dick so hard he had a mist dick. It was all over her after that.

by BackB0ne July 12, 2016

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