When your momma and cousin are the same person
When I marry my sister I’m not inviting my momma cousin.
An older female whom engages in the art of seductive urination, sometime for a pre-negotiated fee. A Piss Momma is known to regularly leave her mark everywhere with her calling card, an empty plastic water bottle. Follow the trail of water bottles and meet up with a Piss Momma and negotiate your terms.
Hey bro, just say this nice little Piss Momma at the bar. She left behind her empty water bottle in her seat. On it was written a phone number and it says for a golden good time Call Jessica.
A woman that rides on the back of a motorcycle
My Harley momma always rides with me.
A rapper that is OK to listen to with your mom.
Will Smith is a momma rapper.
A person preferably a girl. (n)
girl: hey Jamie
Jamie: hey momma fattt
She's the coolest mom around.She knows what's up and she still loves you.
You know Momma Kel going cray cray when she puts on Brass Monkey 🐒!