An umbrella word for negative emotions.
Chelsy felt a bit down and wondered if it was becky's moop rubbing off on her.
All bad feelings wrapped up in one
John-im pretty mooped man
Josh- aw man it's that bad?
That thing cats do with their heads when they're trying to mark you.
"I can't pay attention while I'm studying. Muffin keeping mooping me!"
A slang term for a footjob, followed by kisses to the penis.
Xavier: Are your feet flexible? And are your lips soft?
Cherry: Why, yes. Gymnastics was my thing a few years ago, so they had to be flexible. I use lip balm, so my lips are pretty soft...
Xavier: Perfect. You. Moop. Now.
when your girl goes to drop a dookie
girl - “imma go to the bathroom”
me - “ aw shit, she gonna drop a moop”
A depressed or grumpy-looking cat
"What a sad moop you are! Has no one fed you any kitty food today?"