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Cannot be explained with words.

Ino’s effect on Siw. Must be experienced in order to be understood.

She’s my muse. If she dies I’m dead.

by HoodRobin February 8, 2018


its like I was Josh Safdie's muse when he wrote "uNcuT gEmS" so like stuff like that you know?

Julia Fox is muse

by trishapaysme February 19, 2022


Someone who writes content for you.

I no longer write content my muse Brooke now writes the content for me.

by CoolStuff512 June 15, 2023


What Julia Fox is to Ye

I was Joshs muse during uncut gemms

by ProGamerGirl04 February 20, 2022


well like I was Josh Safdie’s muse in uncle jahhhhmmms

what is a muse?” Alex Cooper

by juliafox February 17, 2022


1. A Greek/Roman deity, (ie. god or goddess) of inspiration, arts, music, science &/or knowledge.

2. A metaphor for an inspirational person or one who inspired the works of others.

'The Greek Music God, Apollo is a male muse, because he inspires other's songs.'

by DianaLuciusDeCollis August 17, 2022

Vomit Muse

When nausea has reached the point that you would rather throw up than not, a vomit muse is the food you think about to induce vomiting.

1: I was nauseous for so long that I decided to make myself puke to get it over with.
2: Shoved a finger down your throat?
3: No, I had McRib earlier in the day, so I just thought about that.
4: The McRib is your vomit muse.

by juliusandethelrosenburg July 31, 2023