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Some of the most civilized and richect people in America. I shall soon become one, once i reach the age of 18. Those people are frickin smart and all the Muslims i kno are effin millionaires. Man if we do kick Muslims out of this country there goes all of our highest tax payers, the eceonomy will decrease sharply.

All the Muslims i kno are doctors(ALOT of em), lawyers, and engineers. Im happy i kno muslims because i get to go to their house and i got to try caviore, and a bunch of rich people food. They always give me the most expensive birthday presents and i get to go with my muslims friends on expensive trips for free. God bless Muslims.

by Mikeeee April 28, 2005

319đź‘Ť 1295đź‘Ž


A follower of Islam; someone who surrenders their life to worship the one and only god, Allah, the same god Christians worship; someone who is not a terrorist

Muslims pray at Masjids.

by Croaks March 7, 2012

93đź‘Ť 350đź‘Ž


They are the best people you can think of and are the opposite of all their stereotypes. Very kind and lovable people

Oh those Muslims I wish I was them..

by ThatFrogInTheToilet August 9, 2017

208đź‘Ť 837đź‘Ž


Muslims are quite possibly the most misunderstood people on the planet. Media outlets erroneously depict them as radical, women-beating, West-haters. While these misguided “Muslims” exist, do not forget that the KKK prides itself on being "Protestant." Yet most Protestants reject the Klan’s intentions. Likewise, most Muslims reject the extremist’s intentions.

In reality, Islam promotes peace and friendship amongst both Muslims and non-Muslims. The vast majority of Muslims are non-violent and peaceful. They try to express disgust publicly for the actions of bin Laden, the Taliban, etc. Unfortunately, the media silences them. Portraying Muslims as terrorists gives the government a great excuse to invade Muslim nations and steal the abundant oil.

In Islam, men treat women with great respect and compassion. Although many Muslim women choose to wear a scarf, the Quran (Muslims’ Holy Book) does not explicitly state the need to cover one’s head. Doing so is to preserve modesty and prevent unwanted attention from men. (Ladies, do you really like creepy men following you around and trying to spit game to you? Have you noticed that the less clothing you wear, the more common this is?)

Now about violence: The Quran only permits combat as an act of self-defense. Muslims should fight back to defend themselves if others jeopardize their safety. Fighting must be a last resort, when peace talks fail and danger is imminent. In the Prophet Muhammad's time, Arabs would torture and kill Muslims. The seventh-century Arabs wanted to eradicate Islam because of its differences to their mainstream culture. That is why the Quran told early Muslims to defend themselves. After all, America rightfully defended herself after 9/11, Pearl Harbor, etc.

Terrorist "Muslims" are radical idiots who normal Muslims detest. While normal Muslims do not fully understand their motives, it is clear that they follow a falsification of the noble religion of Islam. Very few “Muslims” are terrorists, obviously. With nearly two billion Muslims, they could easily take over the world if they wanted. Nevertheless, the true Muslims do not and that is why they will not.

“God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves just dealers.” (60:8).

“Fight in the path of God those who fight you, but do not aggress. Surely, God does not love the aggressors.” (2:190).

Surah Al-Anfal states, “And if they incline to peace, so you must incline to it.”

I am a “normal” Muslim living in the United States. I love America but I oppose the war. I am a normal person who loves to play football, lift weights, make money, go out with my friends on weekends, race people in my GT Mustang, and go to the beach. I also love to pray to God (Allah) and I sometimes pray for peace in the Middle East. Most of my friends are Christians and Muslims, but I also have friends of other religions. I really do not like Bush because of the damage he has done in the Middle East and to our economy. If you want to know what Islam is really like, then take a good look at the lives of the real Muslims, such as myself. Do not base my religion on the cowardly actions of a crackhead like Osama bin Laden.

by King Malik the Great July 13, 2008

193đź‘Ť 813đź‘Ž


Someone who is thought of by fools like captain Brit of the 21st centuryas an immigrant. They don't know that most Muslims live peacefully in their home countries and sometimes get invaded by others including Brits.

Muslims follow Islam which requires them to be kind and friendly. They worship God, though they name Him Allah, which is the Arabic name of God. There are fundamentalist extremist Muslims, as there fundamentalist extremist Christians and Jew. These fundamentalists try to defame Islam and Muslims.

True Muslims are usually kind and friendly.

by commentator January 1, 2008

246đź‘Ť 1072đź‘Ž


A person who follows the religion of Islam. Often has to face prejudice and bigotry because of people not being educated enough to know what Islam means. A Muslim will great with Asalamu Alaikum, which means “peace upon you”. A Muslim is often very kind and open. Although occidental people are not always used to the different culture a Muslim brings with him, he is not very different from them. He will share everything with you and welcome you in his house and make you feel home. Muslims seek to be like the Prophet and have a good heart. You can trust a Muslim, don’t believe everything you see, most of is just garbage. In a world full of conflicts, try to make peace. Don’t be a Trump supporter and shake hands with a Muslim. :))

terrorists have nothing to do with Islam. Killing is the biggest sin in Islam. Terrorists are NOT Muslims, no matter what they say. If they have ideas of killing people, they are not Muslim. Don’t blame those actions on an entire religion but on the people who do them.

Killing one person is considered to be as bad as killing the entire humanity. Think about this.

Islam = peace , Muslim is peaceful and warm hearted

by Algerialove May 30, 2018

275đź‘Ť 1242đź‘Ž


Muslims are some of the greatest people you will ever meet, no matter what people say MUSLIMS ARE NOT TERRORISTS. They BELIVE in peace and equality if your going to hate on Muslims do your research and also many of the posts her shay that Muslims are smelly NO OK LISTEN Muslims wash their feet five times a day to be pure in front of their lord. They go through a series of actions with water to purify them-self to make the. To the highest standees for their lord. What about you? How many times do you make sure your 1oo% pure.
Muslims also respect other religions of corse every religion has a few black sheep but Muslims are amazing friendly people,

Wow Muslims are great

by Wordsofwisdom453 June 17, 2014

185đź‘Ť 835đź‘Ž