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mustache shaming

To deride someone for their facial hair choices; an attempt to cause shame in someone for unpopular mustache and/or beard styles.

Often secretly motivated by envy.

God, what's up with Jason's hideous pornstache pic?

Wow, Eric, you're looking pretty neck beardy there.

My girlfriend was totally mustache shaming me by posting those old photos of me with a soul patch!

by Catemonster March 20, 2012

Cheeto mustache

The orange mustache obtained by cheeto particles sticking to the upper lip.

"Dude look at the cheeto mustache on that guy!"

by The butterman March 11, 2015

Mustache Tone

A specific tone of voice that can only be conveyed when owning/having a mustache. Mustache tone is generally highly confident to the point of condescending, with hints of patronizing bravado and overtly masculine diction. Bordering on being an asshole but still somehow slightly appealing.

"That guy at the bar was a chauvanistic asshole. His mustache tone was completely gross."


"Larry has closed more sales leads this month than everyone else combined. It must be the mustache tone."

by BigMac1987 December 3, 2012

Mustache flask

A stainless steal flask, with an elegant mustache displayed on the front, towards the mouth piece of the flask, that while taking a swig gives people the illusion you have a mustache.

Typically filled with strong whiskeys or vodkas and is generally used quite frequently throughout a given night until a person is unexpectedly shit face drunk. Usually takes fellow peers and spectators by surprise, seeing you are probably doing things you typically would never do.

Most commonly leads to mustache fights, mustache man, mustache humping, Mustache rag, Mustache water

And lastly in all seriousness, Mustachatory Rape.

Bill: Woah, did you see your mom over there making out with your sisters boyfriend???

Andrew: Holy shit! She must have been hitting the mustache flask hard!

Bill: That's what i figured. We should snatch that away for ourselves and hope for a mustache fight!

Andrew: : /

by Former flasker with experience August 17, 2011

belgian mustache

When you place a interesstingly groomed set of balls on the upper lip of your partner

She could not see through my Arabian goggles so I gave her a Belgian mustache

by Baron Mustache October 16, 2015

bong mustache

The brown resin mustache you get around your mouth from smoking out of a dirty bong.

When I get famous like Marylyn Monroe and they ask me what I wear to bed I'm going to say, my bong mustache.

by Evolving door November 26, 2013

Señora Mustache

Señora mustache is the title given to the loveliest lady in the land. This lady is very smart and has an incredible sense of style, her outfits are very extravagant and usually consist of the color green. she has an incredible sense of humor and usually indulges in a slightly edgy, more cold style of bathroom humor. Señora Mustache is the type of woman who loves making new friends and will befriend anyone who dares to connect eye to eye with her. Her charming demeanor and striking looks make any foe an instant friend and Señora mustache is never without a partner.

Guy 1: who was that chick laughing when I licked the snow sausage sculpture?

Guy 2: Broski that was Señora Mustache

by BoyPartLover February 24, 2023