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clown nap

n. vigorously flogging the dolphin in such an exhausting yet satisfying manner that one has no choice but to fall asleep with a big smile painted across one's face.

I was so bored on my business trip that I went back to my hotel room and took a nice, long clown nap.

by Steve D. July 20, 2005

51๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


The process by which a male decides on napping after masturbation

Ill give you a call after my J-Nap

by BrWz9290 May 25, 2010

63๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Frat nap

A nap taken after drinking earlier in the day prior to going out to a bar later in the same day. This nap is often taken in a Fraternity House or a College Residency.

After Happy Hour I'm gonna take a Frat nap before we go to the bar tonight.

by Brent Mac June 17, 2009

43๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž

man nap

n. A nap which entails finding the smallest, most uncomfortable space possible and then taking a nap in that space.

What is he doing in that kitchen cabinet? Taking a man nap.

by CCCCCCCCCC May 4, 2005

583๐Ÿ‘ 114๐Ÿ‘Ž

Boredom Nap

A student institution observable during university holidays. Boredom naps are the result of withdrawal from the student lifestyle and are an established method of avoiding scheduled work. Often used to bridge the gap between your 2am bedtime and 2pm morning alarm, boredom naps are a way of whiling away the hours before it is acceptable to go to bed again.

John: "What've you been up to today mate?"
Rob: "Not a lot. Woke up at 2. Mum made me lunch. Had a boredom nap. Mum made me dinner. Now I'm on Facebook."
John: "Ah, standard."

by W****R April 4, 2011

laundry nap

After you do your laundry, you put all your warm clothes on your bed and take a nap in them, preferably naked.

Jeff: Dude, wtf are you doing?

Charles: Taking a laundry nap. You have to try it before the end of the semester.

Jeff: Okay, but can you put your clothes back on.

by s3xpanth3r May 4, 2010

Nap Taste

The indescribable, yet specific taste one gets in their mouth after waking up from a late-afternoon nap. Feelings towards nap taste are completely subjective, as some people would want to keep it forever, while others request orange juice at an instant to rid themselves of nap taste. Nap taste was first brought into existence by Dorothy of The Wizard of Oz, upon waking up from her dream.

Unconscious Dorothy: There's no place like home.
Aunt Em: Dorothy, Dorothy Dear, it's Aunt Em darling.
Conscious Dorothy: Bitch, I don't give a flying fuck who you are, I just want to know what the hell that taste is in my mouth!
Aunt Em: Why, that's Nap Taste dear, I'll be back with some orange juice immediately.

by Rake Judolph May 9, 2011