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National send nudes day

On April 29th you need to send nudes to the hottest guy/girl you know

Send nudes to the hottest person you know day

Happy National send nudes day

by Johnny_sins-63926 April 29, 2022

National Send Nudes Day

April 20th is the day you send nudes to someone you feel comfortable with.

Some people you could send nudes to would be your boyfriend, girlfriend, best friend, side hoe, or even someone you have a thing with.

Person 1: Happy National Send Nudes Day!

*sends nudes to Person 2*

Person 2: Awww, you made my day! Happy National Send Nudes Day to you too!

*sends nudes to Person 1*

by Lame Lama Dude April 20, 2019

National Send Nudes Day

February 26th. Go and get yourself some nice ass.

Bruh today is National Send Nudes Day.

by God'sTwitter February 26, 2020

National send nudes day

The official day to send nudes to anyone you’re talking to or relationship with after they request for it. Falls on the 26th of June

Guy:happy national send nudes day
Girl:”Sends nudes

by Nigga UC June 26, 2024

National send nudes day

December 18 is national send nudes day where you send nudes on this day

Me:Send nudes it’s national send nudes day
Tap to view

by Bejdidjdj Ben December 18, 2021

National send nudes day

On April 12th, send nudes to someone you feel comfortable with

Ginny:I just sent these to markus for National send nudes day what do I do??!!!
Max:My brother!!????

by Bigblrdddd April 12, 2021

National send nudes day

On September 3 you send a nudes to Whoever you want

You :Sends nudes

Someone: why did you send that to me
You: it’s national send nudes day

Someone: ohhhhhh
Someone: sends nudes

by PaddyWacker06 September 2, 2022