Two dykes kicking the fucking tar out of each over.
"oh yeah dyke kick me right in the pussy."
A fight based on forcing someone to accept your apology using the word sorry.
events leading to a Canadian fight
sorry, man.
no, I’m sorry.
no, I said I’m sorry! (punch)
a funky groovy ass song from jojo part 5
GUY 2: *goes crazy
a local phrase used in Hawaii for fighting in a hopeless cause; struggling to the bitter end;
losing a fight in a winning effort.
He was still swimming against the current, but he's not going to make it: kill fight, already.
Beer or other alcoholic beverages that fill the drinker with a passion to engage in fisticuffs with strangers
Two pints of fighting water please barmaid
"have you heard of the song fight or flight by conan gray?"
"of course, I have I love Conan Gray"
The placing of someone on another person's shoulders fighting someone else who is on another person's shoulders. This is much like moshing, but the two people getting carried fight each other.
Rachel ripped Ali's earring off in the chicken fight.
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