Source Code


Acronym of "Satan's Wishes Are Granted"

Secret code used by teenage Satanists and celebrity Illuminati members around the world.

T.I. - Pledge Allegiance to the SWAG (feat. Rick Ross)

by Koalaine November 29, 2012

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Swag is slang for "cool stuff". It usually describes apparel or accessories.

Apparently its also a word that enrages the kind of person that likes to throw around the word "faggot" or still uses "gay" as an epithet. This kind person also dislike hipsters or anyone that appears to know more then they do about current trends.

Person 1: Only faggot hipster douchebags use the word swag.

Person 2: You're a miserable fuck.


by davvvvid October 21, 2013

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SWAG - this is an acronym for sex with andrew garfield

β€œhey i just watched the amazing spider-man and i really fancy a bit of SWAG right now lol”

by Luqinstoast December 23, 2021

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A person having style and confidence

He has got the swag everyone looks for.

by Unnecessarylongname February 6, 2017

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An acronym for Sorry We are gay

Guy:bae im so swag

Girl: I knew you where gay you asshole

by HeIIoFromTheOtherSide February 20, 2016

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A word used to describe someone or something when you think it is neither cool or weird but swaggy. Swag, a word used by probably every celeb who thinks that they are better then everyone because the can wear their hat backwards and not get judged. A word that lost meaning in 2009 so if you say it, just don't. S for stop using this stupid word, W for why are you using the stupid word, A for your and assshole for using this word and lastly, G for go fuck yourself because nobody wants to hear you say that word

Damm brother, you looking swag today

by By The Weather Man February 12, 2016

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10$ hats. Terrible clothes. The true meaning of conceit.

Jim: I got $500 dollars, it so swaggy.

by VinnoMints February 1, 2016

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