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Bamboo Picker

Someone who is attracted to only/mostly asian people.

So you do like Chang Lee! I always knew you were a bamboo picker."

by Bridgette&Heidi February 10, 2011

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Penny Picker

A typical stereotype for anti-semitests directing to a Jew directly and/or indirectly through verbal or text conversation.

Jack: Did you see that Penny Picker back there?

James: Anti-Semitest commy bastard.

by Simple things March 17, 2009

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Cherry Picker

When a homosexual attempts to convince a heterosexual to experiment in their first homosexual encounter, not because they genuinely think that they are homosexuals but simply for the conquest

A: I love all these liberal, open-minded hipster boys, they're so easy to guilt trip into a freebie.

B: You're such a cherry picker.

by Ford Leiden December 27, 2010

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fruit picker

A straight man who occasionally seeks out gay men for homosexual flings.

That guy over there is not one of the regular gay customers: he's a fruit picker who trolls this bar once every few months.

by witchdoc October 1, 2013

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cherry picker

1. A fruit farmer

2. Someone who picks the "cherries" of young girls i.e. frees them from their virginity

1. This year's crops were bad, so the cherry picker applied for a farming subsidy.

2. Billy-bob was the town cherry picker. No girl was safe. He thought he was entitled to a farming subsidy too.

by Nick October 18, 2003

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Disabled picker

1. A person (really able-minded) who makes fun of the physical disabled especially the mentally disabled which is even more worse than people with physical disabilities

a disabled picker ain't really got no reason of making fun of the mentally disabled, they don't even know why they did it. karma will come get them one day.

by ceelowill August 21, 2010

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Porn Picker

Porn Picker:
A person who picks very authentic looking porn videos. With great taste.

Alex: Hey bro, what the hell do you even do for a living?

Andrew: Oh I'm a Porn picker.

Alex: what the fuck is that?

Andrew: Oh I pick the best porn for me and your mom to watch.

by Mr.Stone April 25, 2011

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