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Veronica Ramp Day

A day to celebrate Veronica Ramp and her accomplishments, although no where near as cool as Nate Bischoff day

Hey happy Veronica Ramp day, though I really wish it was Nate Bischoff day.

by Greatest Days April 25, 2019

Yoke Ramp

When you pull on a well so hard she starts coughing up fluid.

She wouldn't flow until I put her on a Yoke Ramp.

by HogNdog January 18, 2022

Ramp agent

Weight and commodities accountant for a high speed aluminum tubing company

That guy is a ramp agent down there loading bags.

by LDrat January 29, 2022

ramp up my dick game

The act of being more of a dick. One may feel compelled to be more of a dick if it's insinuated he is weak, beta, or too polite given the social circumstances.

There is no sexual connotation. Literal dicks and literal ramps are not involved in ramping one's dick game.

I gotta ramp up my dick game for Camsteven because she's been whipping me.

by Cristo39 November 5, 2019

ramp dog

A ramp dog is a dog that is chained to the side of a cattle grid or cattle ramp to assist in stopping stock trying to cross. (Also see chain dog)

A ramp dog will generally become crazy and bark at everything!!

That dog dont belong in town. It barks to much, she’d be a bloody good ramp dog!!

by Ironjack308 March 2, 2019

Ramp dweller

Girls that go to each boat at the boat ramp and pray on males that own boats. They try to get a free ride onto the lake.

"Dude look at that ramp dweller, shes coming up the line after trying to get on the mako"

by Jonny 411 July 13, 2020

Ramp Vamp

A tramp stamp that might be found in the aviation environment. It typically means that one works strange hours in order to meet the demands of an airline.

Molly: "Some idiot wrote 'Ramp Vamp' on my way tug!"
Dimitrius: "Isn't it true though?!"
Molly: "Well....ahhhh..."
Bethany: "Go home and get some sleep, Ramp Vamp!"
Molly: "Ok, I will, after this next flight!"

by FlAgFOOTBALLfTwD456969 October 28, 2022