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Randomismness is used to describe people who don't post for any particular reason on forums. Also known as spam but this is not associated with the canned meat.

Liz is going on a randomismness spree. Look at her go!

by madmatty July 7, 2005

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random means something aleatory that happens

Person 1: bro what just happened, a screamer showed up when i was watching a normal cats video
Person 2: noo, why they would put screamers in a cats video, thats random

by a.e.i.o.u123 July 16, 2021

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Randomer When you get a random bonor. A combination of the two words.

In class when you get one yell RANDOMER. noone will know what you mean. laughs assured.

by Jmaxtothemax February 2, 2011

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a code word used by dumbass teens to say that they are naturally high, or on crack

(kid is at a party and says sumthing really dumb and simple then Says: "i am sooo random man"

by Dame Dame February 26, 2008

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Something irrelevant. Randomness or surrealness can be humurous. Some beleive using "random" words such as CHEESE or CHOCOLATE MILK is funny.

not random: flying sandwiches!!!!!
random: a boy in orange suspenders marches up to you at lunch, grabs a hostess cupcake from his tray and mashes it in his eye.

by four, five March 5, 2006

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California Circa 1980. The first part is rising an the second syllable is falling, similar to how homosexuals say "fabulous."
Used in conversation after someone says something that is a non sequitur or has no bearing on the conversation at hand, and is thus completely random.

"I want to go get pizza at Frantone's"

"Frantone's was first built in 1967 by Antoine Frantonne. He changed the name in 1982 and started serving pizza."

"Okay: RAN-dom"

by Darius Sunofovich January 1, 2005

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A word that is heavily misused. A kind of humor that CAN be good, but can also be heavily, heavily annoying.

Ex 1. Eariler today me and my friend were walking, I saw a bird. IN the middle of my sentance, I chased after said bird, then when it flew away, I dropped to the ground screaming "NOOOOO!!!"=Funny.
Ex 2.
Friend of said person: "HAHAHA UR SO FREAKING RANDOM!"
Me: ".....Um excuse me? Was that an insult?"

by BEEEEEEPPPPP! March 21, 2009

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