Source Code

sock rapist

-A man who puts his member into a sock, applies the Kung Fu action grip, and proceeds to tenaciously wankerbate

"You bought a Yanni CD? You, lad, are a pathetic sock rapist."

by Batrastard August 22, 2003

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serial rapist

someone who enjoys humping Kellog's products.

What's this white stuff on the Corn Flakes?
Oh, no! Steve the serial rapist must have gotten to it again!

by jojo20 April 18, 2005

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date rapist

a person who takes total advantage of a women - when she's intoxicated - pretending to be their friend - more like a fiend -

if you work in a bar restaurant and you really dont know your fellow employees - you should'nt drink - if you cant handle your booze - perfect opputunity for the boss to lay some pipe. Joe is a pin dick date rapist

by Michael Stanley October 24, 2007

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Hill Rapist

A rapist that dwells on the top of tall hills.

Hell no, I ain't going up that hill. Bet there's a hill rapist up there.

by Hillrapist.com September 19, 2015

Social Rapist

A person who forces themselves into a social situation they are not welcome in
such as events or hang outs when someone is not invited and comes anyway

NO means NO!

Social Rape

"I told my brother he couldn't hang out with us but he showed up anyway... hes a bit of a social Rapist"

by Mr.LaughTrack May 8, 2016

Eye rapist

Something or someone that grabs an eye and rapes it or rapes it by just watching you.

That man was considered an eye rapist because he raped a lot of eyes.

by Itz_someone October 24, 2018

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ass rapist

someone that likes to rape ass. Especially male ass.
alternate definition; a derogatory term for anyone.

That guy stole my car. What an ass rapist.

by Ed Kolesar August 2, 2006

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