Picture of money from a photo see arch using Safari search engine.
Man, that safari money you showing me.
If you did not see these search engines at your school lab, what childhood have you had?
Google Safari and Firefox are superior to Microsoft Egde.
A dank weapon skin in the online multiplayer game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive.
Jimmy: Dude, I traded my knife for a truckload of AK Safari mesh weapon skins!
Bill: You f*cked up son.
An old trailer park without a fence keeping them in.
Wow that's a crappy looking redneck safari park.
Quiet yet wild. Only the wildest with friends. A person who shows her true colours with only the closest. Loves to vacuum and clean the house. You better be clean around her. Safari because how can it be chrome?!?. Safari is better than chrome
Example: "Hey what's your name"
"I'm sholiha chrome"
"Actually I'm sholiha safari"
A promiscuous women that thrives on men.
Anything to stay alive especially her lifestyle
as it is in the safari.
That girl over there is a safari, she loving on what I got on.