1. Another word for "useless"
2. A word used to describe for someone that is unbearable to be around
1. Sorry boss, I can't come into work today, I'm not feeling well. I'd be pretty sakura if I did.
2. Man I hate Tim, he's so fucking sakura
When an Asian girl becomes trash for white guys that are full of red flags. Also applicable to someone who defends the "men are trash" notion by saying "not all men".
"I thought she didn't have a boyfriend."
"No, she's a sakura. She only chooses white men even if they have tons of red flags."
A fat fucking pain in the ass and a hoe.
Sakura, stop that you are such a pain in the ass.
A person that is not of any use in important situations and always is the one being saved
Stop being such a sakura and help us for once !
most naruto fans know who this is. A lot of fans use it as a insult because sakura is a pretty useless character.
Person A: Can you get cup for me
Person B: I can't reach it
Person A: Damn, You are more useless than Sakura.
“Minerva never actually helps out or doesn’t any work” “ She is such a Sakura”
She is the first person Naruto Uzumaki had a crush on but is also the most useless character in anime
Sakura is the girl over there looking at Sasuke