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codename for anal abuse, it begins on September and ends in may, May the lord be with you

Young man put that phone down this moment
am typing what school means bitch stfu

by FrozenNipplesInAJar September 21, 2017


Six Cruel Hours of our Lives. An excuse for teachers to make you work for free (See also slavery).

The person who invented school is the most hated person in the world.

by schoolequalsboredom September 23, 2013


The place where kids learn stuff that they won't even need in the future.

We learnt that at school..but never used it in the end.

by SomeoneNew October 30, 2012


School is just another name for the five days of hell. No one likes it, no one want to be there, and it's boring as fuck.

Mackenzie:do u like school? Bob : dont you mean the five days of hell. Fuck no.

by Who the fuck knows August 30, 2013

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Once one of the most important steps in creating and maintaining society, schools in the last 60 years or so have become about as effective as a condom with no covering on the tip.

Multiple factors have contributed to the downfall of school effectiveness, including (but not limited to):

*Teachers that treat students like they're more stupid than they really are

*Schoolboards and administrations that are more concerned with what the students are wearing than what they are learning

*Textbooks so boring and poorly written they make the worst parts of the bible look like the Harry Potter books

*Students who take out their frustrations with the school system on other students, making it hard for anyone to look forward to going

*Assignments, tests, and grading systems that make students start worrying about the smallest, most insignificant things.

Schools are really now nothing but prisons that let you go home every day-so long as you return the next.

by GaaraoftheDamned January 28, 2013


A place inforced by the government that brainwashes people to learn shit they really and honestly won't need later in the real world. The only fun grades are preschool, kindergarten, and first and second grade. After all that's said and done, it's all downhill from there, giving you extremely useless, unimportant, boring and crappy things you'll never truly need for anything else in life but that. Although I am homeschooled, I basically have the same shit anyone else has and hate it just as much as any typical person would. And another thing I hate about school is random stupid tests and exams and also random "pop quizzes". It's also like prison. They tell you when you can do things such as see friends. Except your stupid teachers and parents say all that shit's gonna be needed someday.

School is hell.

by cherryb0mb June 21, 2013


School; the place loved by those who:

1. Watch too many soap operas.
2. Are thick but muster high grades.
3. Are thick
4. Gradeworms - persons who believe the be all and end all of life is to become a doctor/lawyer.

Hated by those who:

1. Possess natural intelligence.
2. Struggle socially
3. Struggle mentally
4. Persons who dislike the small freedoms provided by school.
5. Wiggers

After 13 years of school, the gradeworm who had an IQ of a camel went to study law.

After 13 years of school, John followed his passions and became an electrician.

After 9 years of school, the wigger and his homie doggs became muggers.

by I am Dog August 2, 2005

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