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Smol bean

Louis Tomlinson

"Louis your such a smol bean!"

by I_am_okay September 11, 2020

Smol Bean

Smol bean is a cute/beautiful (depending on gender) person, often as a significant other, and/or boyfriend/girlfriend. Often times when someone tells you that you are a smol bean, and you accept it, their theirs.

I called (name) a smol bean, and he/she's fine with it. He/she's MINE.

by Cocchi September 20, 2021

Smol boi

Typically named Shelby, is about 5 feet and two inches, has black hair, makes aggressive dinosaur noises, Is not a Furry, but says owo and uwu from time to time, kind (apart from aggressive dinosaur noises), Friendly and will be there for you! But always be aware of aggressive dinosaur noises, is friends with a man who has pterodactyl genes in his jeans

You such a smol boi
Wow smol boi those noises were aggressive.
Wow that was dummy thick smol boi
U a smol boi
U a smol boi Shelby

by MadLadElba March 14, 2020

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Smol Beans

Whereas a Smol Bean is something petite and cute (usually used in fandoms) a Smol Beans is an insult. It depends on usage.

to compliment one person: Hi Smol Bean
to insult one person: Hi Smol Beans
to compliment multiple people: Hi you Smol Beans
to insult multiple people: Hi you bunch of Smol Beans

Smol Bean: Brendon Urie is a such a Smol Bean with a big forehead and I love him so much.
Smol Beans: (to my brother): "Shut up Smol Beans, no one cares."
Smol Beans: Say hello to all of my students, these beautiful Smol Beans.
Smol Beans: "Go away you insolent punk bunch of Smol Beans."

by Shadoe5722 May 22, 2016

16πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

tol and smol

Defining Harry and Louis's appearance together because Harry is tol and Louis is smol and that’s just the way it is. May they last forever.

he’s just so smol that he fits perfectly in tols arms. Tol and smol.

by Thinkboutit April 7, 2018

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smol floof

An adorable, tiny floof creature that likes boops

Billy: Hello, smol floof (boops floof)
Smol floof: (gets booped)

by ThatOneGuyWhoLikesCheese May 10, 2021

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Smol bean

Louis Tomlinson

Idk what to put. I just genuinely feel like Lou should be the definition of β€˜ smol bean β€˜ cause hims is one.πŸ₯ΊπŸ€

by Hazza-β€œpimpdaddy” February 6, 2021

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