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Oral support

Getting head and moral support at the same time

I’m down bad i need some oral support

by Spaceboy April 19, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Trump supporter

Someone who lacks intelligence, common sense and sense of reality

That person with the tin foil hat is a trump supporter

by Social media accountant April 21, 2022

997πŸ‘ 72πŸ‘Ž

Trump supporter

A bigoted, sexist, and very racist pro-lifer who’s also a gaping asshole. Most likely a thirty-nine-year-old white man still living in his mom’s basement jerking off to anime girls.

β€œAre you a Trump supporter?”
β€œEw, you piece of garbage, get away from me.”

by veryuglycarrot November 22, 2022

4292πŸ‘ 2391πŸ‘Ž

Child Support

Something the government keeps forgeting to make unabusable.

Nolan: "I truly hate how easily child support can be abused. It's like legalized misandry. If you're a man, not losing your virginity still does not guarantee safety from this because paternity fraud exists. It is mind-blowing how the government is still ignoring this problem."

Leo: "Bullshit like this is why I'm not planning on getting any bitches, and why I'm avoiding areas where I'm likely to be forced to have sex with a woman."

by MyPseudonymThatsNotMyName September 7, 2022

3πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Biden Supporter

Someone who lacks common knowledge and likes to follow the crowd similar to that of a sheep. They can’t be bothered to do research so they get all their facts from other social justice warriors on instagram. They speak very highly of an old racist guy who voted for segregation and love to shit on republicans because orange man bad.

Biden Supporter:

Emily #1 (Lesbian, Pan, Queer, Trans, { She / They } did you hear that Biden raised gas prices and gave billions of dollars worth of equipment to the Taliban?”

Emily #2 ( Bi, Heterophobic, Asexual, Aro { He / It / They } β€œBut no more mean tweets right?”

Emily #1 (Lesbian, Pan, Queer, Trans, { She / They }

β€œ No more mean tweets!”

and then they smoked some weed.

by erectioner November 11, 2021

2298πŸ‘ 112πŸ‘Ž

trump supporter

ugly asf

trump supporters are ugly asf

by savagecabbagee January 15, 2021

4320πŸ‘ 5304πŸ‘Ž

Desk Support

A girl giving head under a desk while their male counterpart is playing a game

I got amazing Desk Support while playing Warzone

by Csion November 22, 2021

6πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž