Jayvon is some gay mf that thinks that one piece is the best thing every created. He goes out of his way to spike woman and men in the club and always make sure any jay-fifteen and one piece slander isnt actively taking place.
That niggq Jayvon swish wildin
Where one is fucking a girl in the ass who is laying on here stomache, the guy pulls out before he cums, and ejaculates all over her ass.
Johnathan gave Lexxi’s Mum some swish mountains after a good fuck.
When you get an accomplishment “Oh swish me boy”
A word to describe something being cool,quirky, or fun.(but sarcastically)
A gay man having or expressing a desire or hope for a man whom they find attractive to be gay.
John: Nick Offerman is so sexy. I swear one day I'm going to make out with him.
David: John, you can quit your swishful thinking right now. You know he's straight right?
A phrase which was commonly used in early 1999, it is normally said when someone is happy or excited... And that's a fuckin' lie. I made that up, did you actually believe that? Ha!
I tricked ya! Swichitty swish swish biaaaaatch!
Somewhat parallel to "bye felicia". Used in gay slag to tell your friends bye or get it together so you can all leave at the same time. Also used as a deragatory way to tell an annoying person to get lost.
Come on, Veronica, We're late for the pool party!! Swish swish bish!