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Tesla Shocker

“Two in the b-hole, one in the p-hole.”

A sexual act similar to the shocker, except instead of inserting two fingers into the vagina and one finger into the anus, two fingers are inserted into the anus and one finger into the urethra.

Elon Musk is about to be giving the Tesla Shocker to bitches on the hyper-loop.

by AnneFranksUncle September 6, 2018


The order from the BATTERY ASSER(ec)TION to destroy a PEDOPHILE ASSH0LE on camera camera SATELLITE by DICKING around with SHIT AND BIG BALLS after (ec) EAT COPROPHILE.

ELON says ," we will buy all the BATTERIES YOU CAN MAN UU FAECturES as there is KnoW 44 LAWDMAN LIMIT as we will need them for STAYtiONAry storASS and DIE name(mean) iC storASS" , coined in the beginning of his AN UU allS SHARE HOLDERS meeting 2021.


SUCK ON MY ASSH0 LE, INTERNET PORN all over the world , as ANAL ALAN is always a TW0 AND A HALF.(

CUMMING is required.

Why would anybody ever separate US TESLA AN from the ASSH0LE NAKED as it is a misnomer BUTT the PEDOPHILE SEX ACTS are SHITEATING AND SHOVING BALLS IN THE ASSH0LE ANUS and hearing the YELLING "'T0 , T00 (SECOND 0NE) , TW0(NEW SHIT IS IN) , TU (YOU) , TU TU" and this SHIT will always be forever attached to THIS ASSH0LE which THE emptying of the BALLS from THE DICK WILL have a lot to DUE WITH ASSHOLE.ASSWHOLE in en (D) TIRE ty.

by NOBLE PEACE SUNDER EEE October 10, 2021

Tesla minivan

When you insert a vibrator into the vagina and fist into the anus.

We started the night with a little foreplay and then the Tesla minivan!

by VikingWarMachine October 30, 2019

Tesla Sams

A thiccc hoe who goes from guy to guy because she’s too insecure to actually believes someone likes her. She’s the human embodiment of a retarded golden retriever. And looks like she would be a cheerleader but lacks the requirements to do so. She’s so desperate to have a BF that she goes from a hobbit to an emo in less than for months.

I pulled a Tesla Sams. I broke up with a guy because he treated me right then spent a year chasing after a guy who treated me like garbage.

by TheVilleTea August 12, 2019

Tesla tap

As soon as you see a Tesla vehicle, gently tap your partner and shout Tesla tap. It's a kinder, gentler version of Slug bug. If you Tesla tap, and it's not really a Tesla, your partner can Tesla smack you back.

When Hana and I were driving down the road and saw an on-coming Tesla model 3, she Tesla tapped me.

by eeveeniks December 18, 2018

Dirty Tesla

When you're in the park having sex with your girl and right before you cum you pull out and shoot your jizz on a bird. Then the bird flies around the city leaving traces of your cum everywhere it lands.

I nailed a Dirty Tesla this morning so if you go outside, don't touch anything.

by CandaceSuite December 21, 2020

Tesla driver

Rich pricks who can’t get through a single conversation without mentioning the fact that they own a Tesla. They are also willing to spend 5k to wrap their car the color that most cars come in.

Hi what’s your name.

I drive an ev

You must be a Tesla driver

by MichaelHicks May 20, 2024