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Midwest tourist town

Often have a mix of old buildings, old buildings with newer interior, and newer buildings with older interior selling adult (vulgar not sus) products, local foods, rip off toys, and playing 80s pop music

Mackinac is a Midwest tourist town

by Nascarfan2007 September 18, 2022


1. The process by which people from other regions of the United States or elsewhere immigrate to the Midwest, aquire a taste for the culture, and slowly ope their way out of their past heathen ways.
2. The domestication of people not from the Midwest into actual people once residence in the Midwest begins to take hold.
(Adjectival form: midwesticated)

"Our new neighbors seem to be greatly enjoying their midwestication"
"That guy that moved in down the street last August looks to be fully midwesticated now."

by fvinonfvinonsumnoncvro March 29, 2019

Midwest Triangle

When two girls from Indiana and one guy from Missouri have a threesome

Whitney and Sarah are hoping to complete the Midwest triangle with Mike

by wendytorrance October 18, 2019

Midwest Vertigo

The strange sensation one feels when it looks like it's 70°F outside, but it is actually only 45 or 50.

I looked out the window and it seemed warm, but was hit with Midwest Vertigo when the cold air blasted me in the face.

by Hoosier headache April 18, 2018

Midwest Paranoia

When it's the beginning of spring and the weather says it's warm out, but because of the horrible winter you just had you don't believe it's actually warm and so you put on extra layers.

The weather man is saying it's 65 degrees out, but I got that Midwest Paranoia so I'm gonna wear a jacket.

by twofish22 March 30, 2015