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Numb Nuts

A man who has sex way too many times way too often. This rigorous sex causes the man to bang his jizz-bags very often, making them numb. Thus, Numb Nuts.

"Alex, you numb nut. Why did you bang HER?" OR "GODAMIT Jeff, you NUMB NUT! Why don't you go fuck a tree while you're at it?"

by Kyle-fo August 1, 2005

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no worries, numb nuts

A response to the australianism cheers big ears.

Dwayne: Oh, you got me a new Torana! Cheers big ears!
Cheryl: No worries, numb nuts.

by Sam Whitehead March 13, 2008

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pre-game numb

1-The pre-game numb is the age old tradition of psyching yourself up for a challenge/ event by wanking off just before you compete. Crucially however, in a true numb the numb-er stops immediately before ejaculation to ensure he is competing at peak motivation and alertness, and is fully psyched up

2-Would make a good band name

James: Where's Henry, the exam's about to start?
Dan: Dw he's just numbing up he'll make it
James: ah, pre-game numb, smart kid...

by rowbot January 23, 2017


A trick men ususally do when messing around with numb-chucks

guy: hey numb-chucks! watch this!
guy:(tries to look what he's doing and hits himself on the nuts) FUCK!(drops to knees)

narorator: you have been taught the ancient art of numb-nutz.....

by 123burnoutgirl456 March 15, 2009

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iPod touch Numbness

The feeling of heaviness and thickness a device seems to have after you hold the extremely thin iPod touch.

Guy 1: "Dude my SLVRis so fucking thin"
Guy 2: "Yeah, so is my iPod touch."
Guy 1: "Well let me see! Yeah it is."
Guy 2: "Told you!"
Guy 1: "Hold on, I got a call, hello? WTF IS THIS MY PHONE OR A FUCKING BRICK?!?!?!?!?!!!"
Guy 2: "Yeah, that's the iPod touch Numbness"

by RiiVERB February 27, 2009

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Too Numb To Cum

A condition in where a copious amount of alcohol has been consumed and one cannot ejaculate during drunk sex. Mostly found in males. Not to be confused with Whiskey dick where the male can't manage an erection. With this condition, a male is able to get an erection but can not reach sexual climax.

"Are you almost there?"
"Nah baby, I'm too numb to cum."
"Okay we can just finish in the morning."

by Avenged Foreskin January 15, 2012

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numbing anal lube

it numbs your mancunt when fucking it with a screwdriver

what is the point of anal if you can't feel it?

Fuck you faggot.

"numbing anal lube" there you go urbandictionary now fuck off

by lil dick boe jiden May 16, 2021

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