An Abel is typically a gay person that has an unhealthy obsession with video games and anime
Man your really being an Abel right now
A person with a fat 1.34in dick that is wider than johnny sins dick is long. My guy loves fingering curry and has got a dog at home that he practices on, on the daily. Tries to put his dog up for adoption the first day he gets it. But he is a legend non the less. tries to hook up with the boys but ends up getting some cat pussy. Loves to get drunk on water and play games in class. Always having a laugh with da boiz and an overall mad cunt and a bloody legend. Thinks he has a big cock but hasn't seen that absolute length of a Nick dick. Pulls mad hoes all day
Johnny sins: wow bro have you seen Abel dick is has mad girth.
Me: Wait til u c how long it is.
A shady person who is scary and likes to tell lies and get involved with violence
Abel is the best basketball player is the best a skills and is him and nobody can garud him
You see that goo basketball play thats abel
A smart guy who seems to get everything right. Kind of an ass-hole who doesn’t know when to stop teasing. Tells others that they don’t have girlfriend but they themselves doesn’t have one. Overall a smart, mildly handsome, slightly kind asshole
Abel is the guy in the room in with the biggest dick ever and loves to put it in other people