Source Code

Nerf Bat

An upright yet bendable erection (neither rigid nor limp), similar in consistency to that of a Nerf baseball bat, which is functional yet less than ideal.

1: Damn, my daily ‘bate yesterday took twice as long as usual!

2: Why? Couldn’t catch wood?

1: Nope … I was sporting a Nerf bat.

by DangerZone11 September 14, 2009

430👍 76👎


A baby bat is a person who has discovered Goth, but is unfamiliar with the scene. They often listen to Goth music, and have distinctive 'Goth' tastes (an interest in the occult, macabre acadaemia, a love for the Victorian/Georgian societies) but haven't yet become acclimatised to being non-mainstream.

Baby bats are distinctive from emos in both personality and dress sense. Though the bats often use heavy make-up, they wear more tartan and netting/tulle than emos and are more stereotypically Goth. It takes a keen eye to distinguish some emos from baby bats, but there is one difference:

Baby bats grow up into Goths. Emos grow out of the fad, and into accountants.

a) "Check that emo!" "That's not an emo, that's a baby-bat." "How can you tell?" "She's got a Bauhaus patch. No emo listens to Bauhaus."

by BatDyke November 21, 2006

847👍 157👎

nut bat

a baseball bat used to hit someone in the nuts(scrotum)

Oh god she's got the nut bat

by assbag hernandez October 26, 2005

39👍 4👎


derogatory term for an individual of Chinese descent

Some bat-muncher was coughing up a storm in my class today. We now all have coronavirus

by lil kid fucker March 14, 2020

46👍 5👎

bat in the cave

A reference term for when you have a booger in your nose that is clearly visibly from the outside.
This context is found in an episode of Sex and The City.

Hey buddy, you have a bat in the cave. Need a Kleenex?

by Scott November 3, 2004

214👍 36👎

Ate the bat

To have done something with unintended and harmful consequences

“Sorry my love, I really ate the bat bringing up abortion at your family Christmas”

“Jennifer really ate the bat with this accidental reply-all email”

by Grosselisse April 6, 2020

conk bat

when one has sex with another, but at the same time they are being bonked by the person. this is good if you're a masochist

"conk bat me"

A: "i conk batted amelia the other night, it was pretty fun"
B: "really dude? thats awesome!"

by catboygogy69 November 2, 2020