Source Code


BUD/S stands for Basic Underwater Demoliton/SEAL training, and it is the first stepping stone on the path to becoming a United States Navy SEAL.

BUD/S contains three phases, with the 1st focusing on physical conditioning, the 2nd focusing on combat diving, and the 3rd on land combat. Arguably the hardest part of BUD/S is the five day long Hell Week. Hell Week puts each trainee to the test with only a few hours of sleep.

After BUD/S, prospective SEALs move on to Army Airborne School, SEAL Qualification Training, and other schools.

John Doe is in the third phase of BUD/S right now.

by John Desro March 11, 2007

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Bud light

The stuff that you drink when you don’t know if you’re male or female. Usually the bottle is used after for anal pleasure

Hey Bobby, wanna play bud light in the butt butt tonight? Sure Dale, I’ll grab us a 6 pack for later on, Tall boys ;)

by dbrev42 April 15, 2023

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bud hoe

a girl or guy who goes to and hangs around in the Bud Wilkinson Athletic dorms at the University of Oklahoma(The Bud) in order to get close to the athletes.

"Look at that girl all dressed up going into the Bud."
"Oh no, she must be a Bud hoe."

by lololo90 April 14, 2010

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tender bud

An aroused nipple

When I heard about Harry Styles third album coming out, I got a case of tender buds.

by The whole dewniverse March 7, 2022

cop bud

Coping or to cop bud/tree/weed is the act of going to buy some weed.

Hey do you have $5 I'm about to cop bud

by Tree420 December 8, 2016

Taste Buds

A powerful fraternal-like bond created instantaneously upon learning that you and a friend have unknowingly ordered the same food while eating out.

Wait, dude, you got the torpedo slam burger with a side of tater tornadoes TOO?! We're officially Taste Buds! *they high five*

by Pineking April 24, 2017

best buds

A person who is always there for you no matter what! A person who you love to hangout with and feel you can do anything with without being embarssed. Someone you know that will always have your back no matter what. And you will do the same for them! Someone you can have in depth conversations with and know they will never tell!

Amanda and Amanda will always be best buds until the end. They will always have each others backs no matter what. Im jealous of them. I wish I had a best bud like that.

by Diva what?! July 30, 2006

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